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Frequently Asked Question

1. Why select Joy & Fibre®?


Apart from enhancing the palatability by the natural light sweet taste in Joy & Fibre®, the more outstanding point in Joy & Fibre® is that the Timothy Hay in box is hand-selected, in order to provide a superior quality with a proper ratio between stems and the leaves. These thick and coarse leaves and stems provide rich fibre content that be able to maintain a functional gastrointestinal tract and prevent dental diseases of your pet. 


2. Why is it important to have Timothy Hay for your small pet? 


Timothy Hay is an important element for rabbit, guinea pig and chinchilla while they are herbivores that need a large amount of plant in diet for the energy supply. Hay should make up to 70% of their diets. Especially rabbits should have fresh hay available 24 hours a day. Hay should make up 80-90% of a bunny’s diet. 


The rich fibre of Timothy Hay provides the roughage that helps reduce the danger of hairballs and other blockages. It also helps maintain the length of their continuously growing teeth. 


3. What is the difference between different types of hays?


Main Hay


Timothy Hay


There are two main types of Timothy Hay on the market, 1st Cut & 2nd Cut. 1st Cut means the first harvested hay with thicker stems and fewer leaves which has a higher fiber value and lower protein amount; 2nd Cut means the second harvest with thinner stems and more leaves which has fewer fibre and more amount of protein.


  • Suitable for rabbits in all age which is the main hay the rabbits needed

  • Rich in fibre which promote the digestion and intestinal functional

  • Help rabbits to excrete the hair eaten during grooming and avoid the intestinal blockages

  • Low calcium and low protein which prevent the formation of urinary stones and obesity 

Side Hay


Alfalfa Hay


Adult rabbits (more than 6 months) do not need to feed Alfalfa Hay unless there is any special reason because Alfalfa Hay has a relatively higher amount of nutrients. Excessive eating would cause softened stools, overweight, calciumuria and even ureteral stones.


  • Suitable for young rabbits (under 6 months), postpartum, lean and sick rabbits that need extra nutrients

  • High amount in protein and calcium but fewer fiber


Orchard Grass


  • Suitable for rabbits at all ages

  • Compared to Timothy grass, Orchard Grass has higher palatability because of the less grassy flavor but slightly sweet taste. This kind of hay usually the favorite of the picky rabbits


Oat Hay


It has a slightly sweet wheat flavor which can be used as a snack or to increase the amount of hay consume. 


When encountering a picky rabbit, you can also mix the Oat Hay together with the main grass for feeding. 


Thick stems, crispy and less leaves are the characteristics of Oat Hay. This kind of hay also has a high amount of fiber which can promote the digestive and intestinal function. The thick stems are good for the healthy teeth growth as well. 

4.  What are the possible reasons and solutions for pets not willing to eat hay? 


There are many factors which cause the unwillingness of pets in eating hay: 


  • Teeth problem: abnormal teeth growth will cause uncomfortable chewing. If uncomfortable chewing is an issue, a visit to the vet is mandatory.


  • Location problem: pet has their favorite place for eating. The pet might lose their appetite if the hay is placed to a place causes them nervous. Thus, try feeding your pet in their favorite areas, like the little box or the couch, as your pet may only want to eat there.


  • Mood problem: pet may feel bores in eating hay. For solving this problem, have their play! There are many pet-safe toys on the market that are designed to help encourage play and eating that might help you turn the corner.


  • Intestinal problem: rabbits would groom themselves constantly and thus get furball , those excessive swallowed hair cannot be digested but coil with the protein in the intestinal tract and cause a fatal blockage in the digestive system. Once you find that your rabbit has an intestinal condition, please do not hesitate but bring your rabbit to the veterinary clinic immediately.


5.  How should I store the hay?


Keep away from heat and humidity. Avoid direct sunlight or artificial light exposure. Once the bag is opened, please tightly re-seal the package to minimize the influences of hay quality by humidity.


6.  What kind of pet is suitable for Timothy Hay?


Rabbit, Guinea Pig, Chinchilla and Tortoise is suitable.


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